Saturday, February 11, 2017


"Come la Deyh, for a while only", some persuasive techniques are so ingrained in our method of speech that it's almost impossible to refuse. Then again, how much of it is actually persuasion? The joy of making someone happy through words or actions is a kind of satisfaction that uplifts one's spirit, continuing to prove that most good deeds are, in fact, selfish. However, there is a limit to how much one can give in to another's persuasion without losing their sense of right in the process. Given that ultimately the choice lies with the one being 'persuaded', the 'persuader' is like a cancer; you don't know it's 'killing' you until it's too late. But unlike cancer, one has a choice when it comes to allowing this malevolent compulsion breed in one's subconscious. Subtly self-destructive, the 'persuaded' is left victimized all in the while thinking he or she has no real choice. Far from the truth, as the 'persuader' only opens the door in his or hers act of 'persuasion', leaving the one being persuaded psychologically coaxed into walking through, not because they want to, but because it would be harder to refuse. So if you find yourself saying yes to doing things you would rather not do, be mindful that only you can turn it around by putting your foot down.