Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sit or Swing?

"Run.... deyh, run! Was pretty much what I heard every evening. Colour and grass was my frame, growing up in front of a playground. Be it praying for rain, just so the slide would turn into a lagoon ride or hoping, "5 more minutes ma" becomes an hour, the playground was where I found peace.
From the see-saw, to the twisted coloured slide and the monkey bars, there was something about them being placed on green grass that made it a haven of a play-pin. Add the "Swing" to the grass, and you have a "playground".

Nowadays coloured, was just a brown, faded piece of wood, attached to two long chains from the side that is hung from a horizontal bar, is the highlight of an otherwise colourful field. Close your eyes and try to imagine a playground without a swing?

The "Swing" is the simplest piece of machinery that draws the young and the old to the playground. The young usually jump in for a roller coaster "swing", measuring their level of competency with children their age. The old, walk in the playground and choose to "sit" on the swing, sometimes for hours. Usually to spy on their little ones, the playground has become a place to think for them as well.

Be it "sit" or "swing", the swing has an unconscious effect on us, regardless of our age. So next time you find yourself in a playground, "sit" or "swing" yourself, either way you are spellbound. 
